p o l i n e z i j a
B-day Girl
Tuesday, the 5th of April.

What's up, guys?
I am glad to see you on my own page here! I need to say, I had B-day yesterday. Even from my childhood I didn't love so much that day. This is weird thing, but my birthdays are for me so difficult! In that way I think I am not good girl, I don't deserve anything for B-day present. But when somebody gives me, something currently for me, my heart begins to beat quickly, my mind is spotless and I am almost on the seventh heaven!

Sixteen. I don't believe I grew up. It happened so fast! Birthdays influence on me prejudicially, but I can't say I'm not the happiest girl in all the world! Caaaaaaaaaaause it's not true!

Yesterday, the 4th of April was really good, nice. sweet!
I love my parents and brother - they are always with me. Without knowing my character you can't imagine how difficul to be with me.

I'm expecting for something increadible and special in this year

Thanx, guys, you've read it!
Be happy, listen to music, keep your head up, make dreams come true and forget bad moments!

xoxo, Polly ♡
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